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Senior Technical Writer
Instructional Designe
Service Bulletins

Most manufacturing companies occassionally need to alert their distributors and/or their dealers about service-related problems. A Service Bulletin is the document typically created to alert the distributor and dealer channels of a common problem that needs the attention of a service technician.

These Service Bulletins were designed to not only describe the nature of the service-related problem, but also to provide the corrective action necessary to correct the service-related deficiency. They were designed as easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, full color, graphical documents to provide the service technician with best possible opportunity to fully understand the nature of the problem, AND the neccessary repair.

The typical target audience for a Service Bulletin is the service technician who is in the field doing the actual repair work. I also tried to keep in mind that many of these individuals may be new employees and some could even have English language barriers. It should also be noted that I took all the photographs used and did the graphical design of the images to ensure that the Service Bulletins correctly told the story with both words and pictures to help ensure the service technician fully understands the nature of the problem and the correct repair.

Typically, these Service Bulletins are created as PDF files and then emailed or FAX'ed to the national and international distributor and dealer network.

I have included a few Service Bulletin samples for your review. Most of these documents are also available at the associated company's secure B2B website.


Service Bulletin